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WRITING A STORY FROM TODAY’S NOISE: A four-week course in crafting a piece of fiction or nonfiction in English.

Parma - Biblioteca Guanda e Biblioteca Internazionale Ilaria Alpi
WRITING A STORY FROM TODAY’S NOISE: A four-week course in crafting a piece of fiction or nonfiction in English.


The two hour class, 15:00-17:00 will be held in the Ilaria Alpi International Library—on Sunday afternoons—November 10, 17, 24, and December 1.


Professor: Wallis Wilde-Menozzi, author ofMother Tongue, The Other Side of the Tiber, Toscanelli’s Ray, L’Oceano e’ dentro di noi, and hundreds of published poems and essays. She is finishing a new book.


Class size: 12 people who have a strong competence in spoken and written English and a strong desire to write. We are looking for students or adults interested in learning how to express themselves by writing a piece in these four sessions. The scope of the class is not to improve English skills but to draw out one’s creativity.


To enroll one needs a very good level of English. This will be verified in the first class. It is not necessary, however, to be a native speaker.


The shape and philosophy of the class:

The practice of writing helps to perceive life in a more complete way; it is a stimulus to write things that are more true. It begins as an impulse to share something that no one else can say. Then we soon need tools to make it real, compelling, believable to a reader, but also to discover what it means to us, the writer. The practice of writing is a way of learning to listen to the unresolved and to engage.


In these four sessions, we will read brief pieces of fiction and nonfiction that illustrate different ways stories and essays can be told and made. The authors we read will come from today’s world, an international world, a world broken into pieces of bright promises and dark despair. The first hour will be spent examining the power and grace of published writing, with attention to its content and technique. The second hour will be spent writing in class and listening to each other’s work. By the end of the fourth class, each participant will submit an essay or story as a finished feast!


For enrollment and info: bibliotecainternazionale@comune.parma.it - 0521.031983/031984 

The course is FREE OF CHARGE




Biblioteche Internazionale Ilaria Alpi & Ugo Guanda

Vicolo delle Asse 5
43121 - Parma
Tel. 0521031983-4




Ristorante Corale Verdi Vicolo Asdente, 9 a  Parma, e potete  venirci a trovare  anche passando dal Parco Ducale Info e prenotazioni 0521/237912

     Trattoria Ronzoni- Via Bruno Longhi, 3 - 43121 Parma Tel. 0521-230146

Ristorante La Forchetta Borgo S.Biagio 6/D – 43121 Parma (mappa) Tel.0521-208812

Ristorante Angiol D'Or a Parma in Piazza Duomo Vicolo Scutellari, 1  Tel. 0521 282632

RISTORANTE OMBRE ROSSE B.go G. Tommasini, 18 – 43121 PARMA Tel.      0521.289575

Ristorante Il Trovatore via Affò n.2 Parma Tel. 0521.236905  (chuso la domenica)

Le Bistro Piazza Garibaldi, Parma tel. 0521 200188

Bar Ristorante-Pizzeria "Al Petitot" Via Torelli, 1/A (davanti allo stadio Tardini) Tel. 0521-235594/22138

Bastian Contrario Str. Inzani 34/A (lat. via D'Azeglio) Parma tel. 3478113440

Caffetteria La Pulcinella P.zza Picelli 13 tel 0521-711708

HighlanderPub Beershop Di Parma via La Spezia 51/a Parma info: 0521 253921

Trattoria Antichi Sapori Str. Montanara, 318 43124 Gaione - Parma  Tel. 0521 64 81 65

Rangon  Trattoria tipica parmigiana ed enoteca

Borgo delle Colonne, 26 tel. 0521- 231019

Trattoria Scarica Via Martinella, 192 - Alberi (PR) - Tel. 339-7439326   info@trattoriascarica.it CHIUSO IL MERCOLEDI’ E GIOVEDÌ 

Trattoria da Romeo

Via Traversetolo 185/a Botteghino di Porporano Parma tel 0521-641167


Parma - Altro ristopub a Botteghino Via dei Maniscalchi tel. 0521 658270 


Biblioteca Guanda e Biblioteca Internazionale Ilaria Alpi
Pubblicato il 01/11/2019


Eventi Fiere, feste e festival Food e locali Mercatini Under 14 Fiere, festival e sagre fuori Parma Sport, Natura e Animali e giochi Spettacoli e Cinema Spettacoli Musica classica, sacra e lirica Cinema Parma Cinema in provincia Teatro a Parma e provincia Arte, Cultura e news Arte Incontri e libri News, corsi e informazioni utili Promozioni e biglietti MOSTRE NEL NORD ITALIA MOSTRE A MILANO MOSTRE IN LOMBARDIA MOSTRE IN VENETO MOSTRE A TORINO MOSTRE IN PIEMONTE, VALLE D'AOSTA e LIGURIA MOSTRE IN TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE MOSTRE IN EMILIA ROMAGNA MOSTRE A BOLOGNA MOSTRE IN FRIULI MOSTRE IN ITALIA: CENTRO, SUD E ISOLE MOSTRE A ROMA MOSTRE IN LAZIO MOSTRE IN TOSCANA MOSTRE IN UMBRIA E MARCHE MOSTRE IN CAMPANIA e CALABRIA MOSTRE IN SARDEGNA e SICILIA Mostre in Puglia , Basilicata, Abruzzo e Molise Feste natalizie a Parma e provincia Pranzi e cene delle feste natalizie Pacchi natalizi, buoni regalo e cene aziendali Speciale ultimo dell'anno Presepi, concerti e altri eventi natalizi MIIT -MOSTRE IN ITALIA: calendario INAUGURAZIONI MOSTRE IN ITALIA CHIUSURA MOSTRE IN ITALIA MOSTRE PROROGATE TUTTE LE MOSTRE IN ORDINE CRONOLOGICO MIIT - Mostre in Italia Le mostre imperdibili in Italia Mostre in Italia di artisti del XXI secolo Mostre in Italia di artisti del XIX e XX secolo Mostre in Italia di arte moderna Mostre in Italia di arte antica, classica e medievale Mostre fotografiche, multimediali e installazioni in Italia MIIT - NEWS E CRITICA D'ARTE CRITICA D'ARTE OGGI VIVI L'ARTE, fiere, tour e... NEWS DAI MUSEI News d'arte Mostre a Parma e provincia
